Zetkin is developed by Zetkin Foundation – a company that works not for profit, but to radically change society in a socialist, feminist, antiracist and sustainable direction. That makes Zetkin very special. Learn about Zetkin Foundation


Zetkin Foundation, Malmö, Sweden. ६४८ जनाले मन पराउनुभयो. Vi utvecklar Zetkin, ett verktyg för att organisera aktivism. Zetkin gör engagemang enkelt.

The Zetkin manual. This manual aims to be the most exhaustive resource for learning how to use Zetkin. At this point, Zetkin and The Zetkin Manual are only available in Swedish. Zetkin is a tool for organizing activism. Zetkin, as well as The Zetkin Manual is currently only available in Swedish.

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Hitta adress på karta, kontaktinfo, nyckeltal och befattningar. 2018-07-05 Zetkin is a platform for organizing activism. Zetkin is developed by Zetkin Foundation, with a mission to work for radical change in society in a socialist, feminist, antiracist and sustainable direction. Zetkin & Zetkin Foundation Zetkin is a web based platform for organizing activism using tools that make participation easier and simplifies common tasks in activist organizations. Zetkin Foundation is a part of Vänsterpartiet Malmö, responsible for developing Zetkin and spreading successful organizing methods amongst the international left.

Zetkin Foundation has reached a point where the ZF website at zetkin.org needs to be made accessible to more volunteers, which requires it to be rebuilt using a CMS or some other suitable technology.

16 Nov 2015 Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) was involved in the foundation of these annual celebrations. In an attempt to convey to a modern-day English-speaking 

Här hittar du sätt att bli aktiv, utvecklar din relation till organisationer du är ansluten till och hjälper till att bygga dem starkare. När du väl har registrerat ett Zetkin-konto och anslutit till en organisation kan du börja delta i dina organisationers arbete.

Zetkin foundation

Bidra till Zetkin. Zetkin utvecklas till stor del av ideella resurser. Du kan bidra med tid eller pengar för att Zetkin ska utvecklas vidare. Donera till utvecklingsfonden Hjälp till att utveckla Zetkin. Zetkin Foundation utvecklar verktyg för att organisera aktivism.

Zetkin foundation

Val av av ledamöter till Zetkin Foundation På mötet ges även rapporter från styrelse och kommunalpolitik. Handlingar: Dagordning.

Zetkin Foundation AB är verksam inom utgivning av annan programvara och hade totalt 1 anställd 2019. Antalet anställda är oförändrat sedan året innan. As part of that work I authored of The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash, published in 2010 by Friends of Ed. Erfarenhet.
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Zetkin is developed by Zetkin Foundation – a company that works not for profit, but to radically change society in a socialist, feminist, antiracist and sustainable direction. That makes Zetkin very special. Learn about Zetkin Foundation Zetkin for your organization Zetkin Foundation is currently involved in four parallel election campaigns in three countries, so we’ve had to temporarily shift our focus from development to help our users get the most out of Zetkin, as great as it already is.

Zetkin Foundation is a part of Vänsterpartiet Malmö, responsible for developing Zetkin and spreading successful organizing methods amongst the international left.
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The Zett Foundation believes that a positive attitude regarding formal and informal education increases the likelihood of reaching one's full potential. We also believe that those who continually aspire to reach great heights by accepting education as an integral part of their lives are happier, increasingly fair, flexible and humble.

Kontaktuppgifter till Zetkin Foundation AB MALMÖ, adress, telefonnummer, se information om företaget. 8 Mar 2021 A year later, Clara Zetkin a German fighter for women's rights, to the Dar Merhba Bik Foundation, the first, and the largest emergency  Zetkin Foundation develops tools for organizing activism. Our mission is to aid radical change in society in a socialist, feminist, anti-racist and sustainable direction. 13 May 2017 classes, which laid the programmatic foundations for the development of a mass movement of socialist working women that eventually grew to  its foundation almost 100 years ago and subsequent history is truly inspirational.

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Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) was an active member of the left wing of the German Social-Democratic Party before the First World War, and thereafter a leading 

Zetkin is developed by Zetkin Foundation, with a mission to work for radical change in society in a socialist, feminist, antiracist and sustainable direction. Zetkin & Zetkin Foundation Zetkin is a web based platform for organizing activism using tools that make participation easier and simplifies common tasks in activist organizations.