'Parodontal' betyder bokstavligen 'runt tänderna', så 'parodontal sjukdom' refererar till infektioner i strukturerna runt tänderna, tandkött, ligament och ben.
Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) possess self-renewal, multilineage differentiation, and immunomodulatory properties. They play a crucial role in maintaining periodontal homeostasis and also participated in orthodontic tooth movement (OTM). Various studies have applied controlled mechanical stimulation to PDLSCs and investigated the effects of orthodontic force on PDLSCs. Physical
Physical Total RNA was extracted from healthy gingiva (Gin), periodontal ligament (PDL), and dental pulp (Pulp) and subjected to RT-PCR analysis. The expression of IL-12 and its receptor were found in all three dental tissues. In PDL cells, the expression of IL-12R, but not IL-12, could be detected (data not shown, manuscript in preparation). The periodontal ligament, which is often abbreviated as the PDL, is a group of specialized connective tissue fibers that attach the tooth to the alveolar bone. The PDL inserts into root cementum on one side and onto alveolar bone on the other. The tissues of the periodontium combine to form a dynamic and active group of tissues.
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18 Jul 2014 It has been suggested that the periodontal ligament (PDL) plays a key role. However, the mechanical function of the PDL in orthodontic tooth The periodontal ligament (PDL) is the dense fibrous connective tissue which connects the cementum-covered surface of the root with the alveolar bone [ 1 ]. Its 3 Dec 2015 PDF | The periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone are two critical tissues for understanding orthodontic tooth movement. The current 24 Feb 2020 Periodontal ligament, Fibroblasts, Undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells, periodontal regeneration, Epithelial cell rests, cell rests of A poroelastic constitutive material model for the periodontal ligament (PDL) is derived. The solid phase is modeled by means of a Fung material law, accounting The periodontal ligament, commonly abbreviated as the PDL, is a group of specialized The periodontal ligament (PDL) interlinks a tooth's root surface with the alveolar bone (Beertsen et al. 1997; Nanci & Bosshardt. 2006).
1 May 2008 An immunohistochemical, histological, and electron-microscopic study of the human periodontal ligament during orthodontic treatment.
Vad är parodontala sjukdomar? Parodontala sjukdomar, även kallade tandköttssjukdomar, är allvarliga Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury or Tear.
It is derived from the dental follicle region, which originates from the cranial neural crest cells [1]. The ligament has an array of oriented fibres and is vascular. It is The periodontal ligament, which is commonly abbreviated as the PDL, is a group of specialized connective tissue fibers which effectively connect a tooth to the alveolar bone. The PDL inserts into the root cementum on one side and to the alveolar bone on the other.
periodontal ligament Dense fibrous connective tissue attaching the tooth to the alveolar bone Functionto support the tooth in the alveolus & to maintain the physiologic relation between the cementum and bone
These are the principal cells of the periodontal ligament. The fibroblasts they achieve remodeling Epithelial Cells. These cells in the periodontal ligament space are the remnants of Hertwig epithelial root sheath cells Undifferentiated The periodontal ligament is a unique specialised connective tissue between the cementum covering the tooth root and the alveolar bone. It is derived from the dental follicle region, which originates from the cranial neural crest cells [1]. The ligament has an array of oriented fibres and is vascular.
Results: Out of nearly 200 articles, about 60 were broadly relevant to the topic. Ultimately, 47 articles closely related to the topic of interest were reviewed. Periodontitis is a prevalent infectious disease worldwide, causing the damage of periodontal support tissues, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. The goal of periodontal treatment is to control the infections and reconstruct the structure and function of periodontal tissues including cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL) fibers, and bone. title = "Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells: Regenerative Potency in Periodontium", abstract = "Periodontium is consisted of root cementum, bone lining the tooth socket, gingiva facing the tooth, and periodontal ligament (PDL).
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Cells in the periodontal ligament can degenerate and regenerate.
Induction of Periodontitis Using an In Vivo Rat Ligature Model 4–0 silk suture threads soaked in 1 mg of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Escherichia coli serotype 055:B5 (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) per 1 mL of 1x Tris buffer were used to induce periodontitis (per time point).
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The periodontal ligament is a unique specialised connective tissue between the cementum covering the tooth root and the alveolar bone. It is derived from the dental follicle region, which originates from the cranial neural crest cells [1]. The ligament has an array of oriented fibres and is vascular. It is
alveolodental ligament periodontal membrane periodontal ligament Dense fibrous connective tissue attaching the tooth to the alveolar bone Functionto support the tooth in the alveolus & to maintain the physiologic relation between the cementum and bone Periodontal ligament plays a vital role in periodontal regeneration. It has been demonstrated by various studies that new attachment involves the formation of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and new cementum.
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DEFINITION • According to Carranza & Bernard “The periodontal ligament is the connective tissue that surrounds the root & connects it to the bone. It is continous with the connective tissue of the gingiva & communicates with the marrow spaces through vascular channels in the bone.”
It has been demonstrated by various studies that new attachment involves the formation of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and new cementum. Thus, in-depth knowledge of the structure and function of periodontal ligament is essential to understand periodontal regeneration. The periodontal ligament (PDL) is a fibrous connective tissue which is present in all teeth. The main function of the periodontium is to attach the tooth to the bone. The gingival fibers are Periodontal ligament - YouTube.