Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for February 2021: et: 22 Feb 16:50 1 month ago: Summary of Baltic Horizon Fund webinar: et: 17 Feb 11:10 1 month ago: Baltic Horizon will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the results for Q4 2020 report: et


Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for January 2021. The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of January 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1442 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.41%. The total net asset value of the Fund rose to EUR 136.9 million. Läs hela.

The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1416 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%. Baltic Horizon. Baltic Horizon Fund has launched a tender for property management and accounting services.

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During the competition, the fund seeks to select partners to provide maintenance, marketing, rental, commercial management and accounting services for real estate owned by the Baltic Horizon Fund in all three Baltic States. BALTIC HORIZON FUND: Fond avaldab 2020. aasta kolmanda kvartali majandustulemused eesti keeles 1.detsembril 2020 2021-03-16 Dividends and other payouts — Nasdaq Baltic. OMX_Baltic_Benchmark_GI 1200.22 EUR -0.07%. BLT1T 0.343 EUR -1.44%. GZE1R 10.5 EUR +1.94%.

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The buyer is Baltic Horizon Fund. The parties did agree on both signing and closing as of today but, due Estonian regulation, the Estonian 

2021-03-22 · The Baltic Horizon Fund portfolio consists of 15 cash flow investment properties in the Baltic capitals and an investment property under construction on the Meraki land plot. Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital Company Announcement Baltic Horizon Fund announcement of secondary public offering. NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, SINGAPORE, SOUTH AFRICA OR SUCH OTHER COUNTRIES OR OTHERWISE IN SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Audited Results for 2020: et: 15 Kov. 22:25 prieš 4 savaites: Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for February 2021: et: 22 Vas. 16:50 prieš 1 mėnesį: Summary of Baltic Horizon Fund webinar: et: 17 Vas. 11:10 prieš 1 mėnesį: Baltic Horizon will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the results for Q4 2020 report: et Baltic Horizon Fund plockar in kapital efter publikt erbjudande i Sverige och institutionellt erbjudande i Luxemburg.

Baltic horizon fund

Baltic Horizon, Tallinn, Estonia. 725 likes · 1 talking about this · 10 were here. Baltic Horizon Fund is the first listed REIT in Baltics. The Fund units are traded on Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq

Baltic horizon fund

Antal avslut, 189. ISIN, EE3500110244. CCY, EUR. Senaste nytt om Baltic Horizon Fund aktie. Baltic Horizon Fund komplett bolagsfakta från Baltic Horizons vd Tarmo Karotam är fondförvaltaren som är specialiserad på kommersiella fastigheter i de baltiska staternas huvudstäder, men samtidigt nära  Baltic Horizon Fund.

Baltic Horizon Fund (TLN). 1,18.
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BALTIC HORIZON FUND (TAL:NHCBHFFT) : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share BALTIC HORIZON FUND | TALLINN STOCK EXCHANGE: NHCBHFFT | TALLINN STOCK EXCHANGE Investment propertiesThe Baltic Horizon Fund portfolio consists of 15 cash flow investment properties in the Baltic capitals and an investment property under construction on the Meraki land plot. The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1416 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%. The NAV Baltic Horizon Fund manager E-mail

On Wednesday, Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFS:STO) closed at 11.70, -10.69% below its 52-week high of 13.10, set on Jun 23, 2020. 2021-04-09 Baltic Horizon Fund declares quarterly cash distribution of approx. EUR 1.70 million to investors.
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2021-01-15 · Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital Company Announcement Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for December 2020. Net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of December 2020 amounted to EUR 1.1395 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -5.73%.

Genom Catella har Baltic Horizon tillförts mer än 4 000 investerare och totalt handlas nu 57 264 743 fondandelar på Nasdaq i Stockholm och  Catella är finansiell rådgivare till fondförvaltaren Northern Horizon Capital och huvudsamordnare av det publika erbjudandet i Sverige och  The buyer is Baltic Horizon Fund. The parties did agree on both signing and closing as of today but, due Estonian regulation, the Estonian  Northern Horizon Capitals nya noterade fastighetsfond Baltic Horizon Köp aktier i Baltic Horizon Fund - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.

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Baltic Horizon, Tallinn, Estonia. 725 likes · 1 talking about this · 10 were here. Baltic Horizon Fund is the first listed REIT in Baltics. The Fund units are traded on Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq

Transaktionsdetaljer  Av Auto, Forza Horizon och många andra i de Baltic horizon fund Baltic Horizon. Baltic Horizon är en REIT & ETF registrerad i Estland och fokus är det som att denna lanserades under 2016 och det är en closed end fund. Genom Catella har Baltic Horizon tillförts mer än 4 000 investerare och totalt handlas nu 57 264 743 fondandelar på Nasdaq i Stockholm och  Catella är finansiell rådgivare till fondförvaltaren Northern Horizon Capital och huvudsamordnare av det publika erbjudandet i Sverige och  The buyer is Baltic Horizon Fund.