The Stockholm congestion tax (Swedish: Trängselskatt i Stockholm), also referred to as the Stockholm congestion charge, is a congestion pricing system implemented as a tax levied on most vehicles entering and exiting central Stockholm, Sweden. The congestion tax was implemented on a permanent basis on August 1, 2007, after a seven-month trial period between January 3, 2006 and July 31, 2006.
EPASS24 is appointed by the Swedish Transport Agency to carry out monthly invoicing and related payment collection from owners of foreign registered
Welcome to Alexa's Site Overview. Enter a site above to get started. The Gothenburg congestion tax (Swedish: Trängselskatt i Göteborg), also referred to as the Gothenburg congestion charge, is a congestion pricing system implemented as a tax levied on most vehicles entering and exiting central Gothenburg, Sweden, including some main roads passing by the city.The congestion tax was introduced on January 1, 2013, with the Stockholm congestion tax as a model. See posts, photos and more on Facebook. The Stockholm congestion tax (Swedish: Trängselskatt i Stockholm), also referred to as the Stockholm congestion charge, is a congestion pricing system implemented as a tax levied on most vehicles entering and exiting central Stockholm, Sweden.
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EPASS24 is appointed by the Swedish Transport Agency to carry out monthly invoicing and related payment collection from owners of foreign registered
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EPASS24 is appointed by the Swedish Transport Agency to carry out monthly invoicing and related payment collection from owners of foreign registered
Create an account Pay Swedish Congestion Taxes online at EPASS24. The log in details you entered is incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off). Download EPASS24 App 1.2.93 for iPhone free online at AppPure. Get EPASS24 for iOS latest version.