Der Gemera ist der erste Koenigsegg mit vier Sitzen. Er hat 1700 PS und 3500 Nm und soll eine Reichweite von 1000 Kilometern haben. Alle Infos!


Koenigsegg debuts the Gemera, the "world's first mega-GT." This all-out performance machine seats four and packs some of Koenigsegg's most impressive tech, 

Totalt levererar bilen 1700 hästkrafter. Bilen väger 1880 kg och gör 0 Teknikens Värld / Gallerier / Koenigsegg Gemera 2020. Foto: Koenigsegg. Koenigsegg Gemera 2020. James Holm/Koenigsegg. Robin Törnros robin.tornros I början av mars drog Koenigsegg av skynket som täckte nya modellen Gemera, en bil med färre cylindrar än platser för förare och passagerare.Förhållandet brukar vara det omvända när det gäller bilar från den svenska supersportbilstillverkaren, nämligen 2:8 (två sittplatser, åtta cylindrar), men nu är det 4:3 som gäller (inte gamla tv-formatet utan fyra sittplatser och tre 2021-04-15 · Koenigsegg storsatsar inför produktionsstarten av fyrsitsiga mega-GT:n Gemera.

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Limited Production - 300 Vehicles Worldwide. Available in Left or Right Hand Drive. Midmounted 2.0L 3 Cylinder Twin Turbo Engine with  Koenigsegg Gemera, the worlds first Mega-GT and Koenigsegg's First For Four Ultimate performance has belonged to the world of two-seaters with very limited  6 Mar 2020 The latest creation from the Swedish supercar mad scientists at Koenigsegg is called the Gemera, and it uses three electric motors and one  10 Feb 2021 The Koenigsegg Gemera Has 1,700 Horsepower—and a Proper Back Seat · The Gemera's dihedral synchro-helix doors fully opened. · Carbon  2 Jun 2020 Sasha Selipanov is the rebel designer behind the all-new Koenigsegg Gemera, which isn't as rebellious-looking as we've come to expect from  4 мар 2020 Koenigsegg Gemera е най-новата кола на шведите, „първото мега GT“, както пише в сайта на марката, с наистина уникална визия и  30 Mar 2021 The 2021 Koenigsegg Gemera is a two-door, four-seat hypercar developed by the Swedish company that gave us the Agera, Regera, and  3 Mar 2020 Extreme megacar meets spacious and practical interior · Ultimate performance. Since the birth of the company more than 25 years ago,  4 Mar 2020 Billed as the first "Mega-GT," the Gemera earns that Koenigsegg family crest on its snout with a tremendous 1,677 hp and a pavement-folding  13 Apr 2020 Koenigsegg released new photos of its two hypercars – the four-door Gemera and the high-speed Jesko Absolut. The two models should have  6 Mar 2021 The Koenigsegg Gemera, which made its worldwide public debut last March, is a €1.5 million ($1.8 million) supercar with all of the fixings: a  3 Mar 2020 Koenigsegg has revealed a new grand tourer that could point to the future of supercars, and maybe even the future of cars in general. It's called  3 Mar 2020 New Koenigsegg Gemera Is A Four-Seater 'Mega-GT' With Massive Scissor Doors And 1,700 HP Koenigsegg made the surprise reveal of the  3 Mar 2020 The Gemera has a 2.0-liter twin-turbo three-cylinder with 600 horsepower and 442 lb-ft of torque.

Koenigsegg Gemera 1724 PS. thumb.

Mar 3, 2020 Koenigsegg has revealed a new grand tourer that could point to the future of supercars, and maybe even the future of cars in general. It's called 

Koenigsegg AB is forming a strategic partnership with NEVS AB, enabling the development of parallel  KOENIGSEGG GEMERA - for Koenigsegg Automotive. Share. _DSC2510.jpg.

Koenigsegg gemera

2021-01-04 · Get the latest on new Koenigsegg Gemera models including first drives, in-depth reviews, concept car photos, new features, recalls and more.

Koenigsegg gemera

Sure, the  Mar 10, 2020 Assisted by one electric motor on each rear wheel, and one more on the crankshaft, the Koenigsegg Gemera boasts immaculate torque vectoring  Jun 8, 2020 The Koenigsegg Gemera was launched at the 2020 “virtual” Geneva motor show as the world's first Mega-GT and Koenigsegg's first four-seater  Apr 3, 2020 That's a powerful headline, but the Koenigsegg Gemera offers usability, speed and eco-friendliness that no other supercar can match. Purchase Frontiart 1/18 Koenigsegg Gemera Grey 2020 Presentation version affordably online at The reliable scale model supplier with fast  Mar 3, 2020 Koenigsegg has revealed a new grand tourer that could point to the future of supercars, and maybe even the future of cars in general. It's called  Mar 19, 2021 Koenigsegg Gemera photoshoot for Kingsway KoenigseggClient - KoenigseggPhotographer - Frank Zhong (Studio + on Location) / Tian Tian  Mar 3, 2020 The new Koenigsegg Gemera is a four-seat GT with a 1.27 megawatts powertrain .

Koenigsegg Gemera, Koenigsegg'in 2020 yılında duyurduğu yeni otomobili. 300 tane üretilecek bu otomobilin adı İsveççe'de "Daha Fazla Ver" (Give More) anlamına gelir. Özellikleri. Bu araçta 2 litre 3 silindirli çift-turbolu petrol motor ve 3 tane elektrikli motor kullanılmaktadır.
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Koenigsegg Gemera. Aldrig tidigare har någon biltillverkare varit i närheten av en så snabb och stark 4-sitsig bil. Bilen gör 0-100 km/h på 1,9 sekunder och har en toppfart på över 400 km/h. Bilen är för den som vill äta kakan och ha den kvar. This is the new Koenigsegg Gemera, and it is a family car.

Koenigsegg has just unveiled the Gemera, an all-new member to the family that sports four seats, two scissor doors, and a massively powerful hybrid powertrain that still allows for pure electric The mad Swedish supercar scientists at Koenigsegg are known for making ludicrous, limited-run, high-performance vehicles like the absurd 1,500-horsepower Regera, which was also a hybrid, or last The Koenigsegg Gemera is a bold and innovative mega Gt sports car.

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Bilen får en rekordlång räckvidd när den körs i hybridläge, hela 1000 km. Med en hjulbas på 3000 mm utlovar Koenigsegg en aldrig tidigare skådat komfort och stabilitet. Bakhjulsstyrningen ska ge extra kontroll över bilen. – En av de roligaste och säkraste bilarna på planeten, lovar Koenigsegg. Fakta om Koenigsegg Gemera

La Koenigsegg Gemera è spinta da un 3 cilindri 2.0 turbo da 600 Cv e 600 Nm, capace di ospitare 4 persone e 4 trolley, con tecnologia Ibrida Plug-in fino a 50 km in elettrico e 400 km/h di 2020-03-03 · Koenigsegg Gemera hybrid has 1,700-hp, and you can bring all your friends And the Jesko Absolut is the fastest road car Koenigsegg will produce. Tony Markovich.

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The Koenigsegg Gemera´s engine is small. At the same time, it is big when it comes to power, torque and sound. Still, it is small when it comes to emissions and consumption. In short – it is a contradiction of an engine, developed and created by Koenigsegg and its sister company, Freevalve.

Spotted in Koenigsegg Gemera.